My Time at Evershine
The next entry for MyTime series is here with new art style and evolved features. Support us on Kickstarter!
RPG, Co-op, Building, Mining, Dating Sim, Open World...

My Time at Sandrock
My Time at Sandrock is now available on PC. Come and join this exciting journey!
Sandbox, Life Sim, RPG, Crafting, Building, Mining, Dating Sim, Open World...
My Time at Portia
A handful of characters

"A pleasant building adventure"
"My Time at Portia's many parts don't always shine on their own, but together they make for a pleasant building adventure." "It seems no matter what I do, Portia continues tto encourage me to keep going for more because it still has more to offer"

Miranda Sanchez
IGN"First must have game in 2019"
"It is safe to say that even after a dozens of hours of play, I only scratched the surface of what there is to do in My Time At Portia. Combine hunting, mining, building and romancing with a fascinating setting and an involved narrative, and I can see myself continuing to go back to play more..."

Metacritic"Best wholesome life simulator on switch, hands-down""
"By including memorable NPCs and a system that nurtures your every building whim, almost every little thing you tick off feels like a major accomplishment - and no, that’s not just because things sparkle when you finish building something. You’ll find yourself sucked into its world for hours on end, and I’m just warning you: you’re not going to want to leave it."

Zoe Delahunty-Light
My Time At Portia - Available Now On Steam Early Access
Hey Portians!
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It’s here, My Time At Portia is now available on Steam Early Access!
We’re incredibly excited for you all to begin your adventures in Portia, and wanted to share a little more info on what you can expect to see in the game… -
EF Release
A girl trapped in a strange world somewhere between reality and imagination. Help her find her way in this adventure puzzle game.
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Sandrock Kickstarter
Take the role of a fledgling Builder to Sandrock. It’s up to you and your trusty tool set to gather resources, construct machines, and fix up your workshop into a well-oiled production machine, and save the town from the jaws of economic ruin, as well as a few other unexpected complications.
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Super Buckyball Tournament Preseason is currently offline. Please join us again in early February 2021 for another round of SBT!
Wishlist the full game! -
Sandrock Early Access
Take the role of a fledgling Builder to Sandrock. It’s up to you and your trusty tool set to gather resources, construct machines, and fix up your workshop into a well-oiled production machine, and save the town from the jaws of economic ruin, as well as a few other unexpected complications.
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Let's School is now officially released on Steam!
The long-awaited moment has arrived! Today, we are thrilled to announce the official release of Let's School on Steam